Court of Appeal judge summoned for jury service

Thursday 3 June 2004 at 9:35 pm | In News | Post Comment

3 June 2004: The Telegraph reports that a “leading member of the Court of Appeal” has been summoned for jury service. As members of the House of Lords are not allowed to vote, they do not appear on the electoral roll; as they are not on the roll, they can’t be selected for jury service. So, if this report is true the new system for selecting jurors has gone right to the top of the pile. What will happen? The mind boggles, does the judge have to address the jury as “My Lord (or My Lady) and members of the jury”? Will the defence watch the eyes of the judge to see if he looks at His Lordship more than he looks at other members of the jury? Will the judge be influenced by the expression on His Lordships face? And, what will happen when the judge gets to the bit when he says, “[…] I must now give you directions as to the law which applies in this case. When I do so, you must accept those directions and follow them.” As for what goes on in the jury room, we will never know. I do hope this report is true, the law seldom gives us an opportunity like this to be really silly and to be guaranteed endless jokes and cartoons …. we can’t wait.
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