Prison for killer drivers who are only careless

Monday 18 August 2008 at 8:58 am | In News | Post Comment

Motorists who kill whilst at the wheel face prison under careless driving laws, which come into force today.


he offences plug the gap in current legislation, which allowed drivers who had killed to walk away from court with just a fine.

The courts will look for “avoidable distractions” when sentencing motorists who have killed. Avoidable distractions include using a mobile phone, applying make-up, drinking and eating.

There are similar provisions for uninsured or unlicensed drivers who kill.

The new offences will carry custodial sentences of:
– up to five years for causing death by careless driving
– up to two years for causing death by driving while unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured

Prior to the introduction of these new laws, the maximum sentence for those convicted of causing death by careless, uninsured or unlicensed driving was a maximum £5000 fine and penalty licence points.

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