Carnivals of Mathematics

Wednesday 6 June 2007 at 5:26 pm | In Articles | 8 Comments

The Carnival of Mathematics is a fortnightly look at mathematical blogs. As I have commented before the growth in such blogs has been phenomenal recently which is very welcome. The carnivals are thus a gateway to the treasures that are out there, so I think it worth listing the carnivals so far (all numbers are approximate, mathematicians can count badly 🙂 ):

  1. Inaugural Edition hosted by Abstract Nonsense has 19 assorted links ranging from quotes exhorting people to study mathematics to algebraic topology.
  2. The Second Carnival Of Mathematics: The Math Geeks are Coming to Town! hosted by Good Math, Bad Math has 27 fascinating assorted links including the Halting problem, Using math for astronomy and Rubik’s Magic Cube.
  3. Carnival Of Mathematics #3 hosted by Michi’s Blog has 20 articles grouped into five ‘halves’: didactic, financial mathematics, humour, dimensions, and number theory, geometry, topology, algebra.
  4. Carnival of Mathematics Number 4 hosted by EvolutionBlog has 21 links from the Bernouilli process to finding the last two digits of 31000.
  5. Carnival of Mathematics, Ordinal 5 hosted by Science and Reason is dedicated to the memory of Paul J. Cohen with tributes and discussion of his work. There’s at least 30 links to other topics including tilings, Lie groups etc and surreal numbers.
  6. The Carnival of Mathematics Sixth Edition hosted by Modulo Errors has 19 links with many presenting problems of various difficulty.
  7. Carnival of Mathematics Edition #7 hosted by nOnoscience has 28 links from Euler to German bloggers and includes a new improved number system and a calculus paradox.
  8. 8th carnival of mathematics hosted by The Geomblog has 20 links with “time to revisit, reflect, and ponder on things we think we already know” so has an educational section and is the first carnival to have a cartoon.
  9. Carnival of Mathematics IX hosted by JD2718 is an alphabetical list of 36 links that appeal to the school teacher blogger.
  10. The next carnival is due on 15th June at MathNotations. Carnival 11 is due to be hosted by Grey Matters on 29th June and Carnival 12 on 13th July by Vedic Maths Forum. Do let them know if you have anything you wish to be included.

That’s over 200 links (not all mutually exclusive) – mathematical blogging is alive and well.


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  1. Interesting that you picked up on the school-teacher slant. It was close to deadline, and I thought submissions were too low, so I wrote an appeal to a few dozen bloggers, mostly teachers as that’s who I talk to most, and more responded than I would have anticipated. I’d think as long as it was balanced by other carnival’s being more theoretical or numerical, it shouldn’t be a problem to be occasionally teacher-y.

    Comment by Jonathan — Thursday 7 June 2007 1:15 am #

  2. I didn’t mean to sound condescending especially, as in my case, I have taught students of school age for many years. I was just trying to pick up on a theme and bloggings on mathematics education in schools is as important as the more theoretical stuff. In some ways it could be seen as more important in the light of discussions on this blog and elsewhere about dumbing down.

    Comment by Steve — Thursday 7 June 2007 9:49 am #

  3. Thanks for the roundup, Steve. If you ever want to host a carnival, shoot me an email and I’ll add you.

    Comment by Alon Levy — Thursday 7 June 2007 8:58 pm #

  4. Oh, please, I didn’t think your comment was condescending. More like insightful.

    It wasn’t my intent to weight carnival 9 to school teacher math, but in the end that’s what I did. I wasn’t sure anyone would notice…

    Comment by Jonathan — Friday 8 June 2007 11:08 pm #

  5. […] of a few days ago. No, I’m telling you because the Carnival is always worth a look. Here are summaries of the first nine Carnivals (by Steve of Mathematics Weblog). But the really big news is that I’ll be hosting […]

    Pingback by Carnival! « Vlorbik on Math Ed — Friday 15 June 2007 3:56 pm #

  6. […] An annotated directory to C’s 1 – 10 is here. […]

    Pingback by 11th Carnival of Mathematics - it’s all in the timing « JD2718 — Friday 29 June 2007 12:21 pm #

  7. Steve,

    I’m not sure if you’ve seen this, but we’re having some problem attracting more advanced posts. So I’m going around the blogosphere looking for relatively advanced stuff to ask the author to submit… your group theory post above would be a nice addition, I think.

    Comment by Alon Levy — Friday 17 August 2007 12:58 pm #

  8. Be my guest 🙂

    Comment by Steve — Friday 17 August 2007 1:03 pm #

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